Virginia Waterways Cleanup Events 2025!

We are proud to be part of the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup.

How are the data used?

Your data will be used to help us understand trends and come up with solutions to marine debris and plastic pollution! Where do the data go? They go into the Ocean Conservancy’s online open-access data base: TIDES. Anyone can make a free account, and download the data.

Using the Data:
See Clean Virginia Waterways publication page to see how your data help our scientists and researchers work on SOLUTIONS to plastic pollution and marine debris. CVW also shares the data widely with others working on this urgent problem. All data can be downloaded for FREE from the
Ocean Conservancy's TIDES on-line database.

Plastic items dominated the 2023 Virginia ICC Top Ten list. We put the data to work to find answers and solutions. Up to 80% of debris in the oceans comes from land: mismanaged waste, litter, illegal dumping, and uncovered trucks. Data collected by volunteers during the ICC in Virginia is summarized in reports, which are shared with policy makers. Organizations across Virginia use this information to develop educational campaigns as well as policies and laws.

While CVW encourages YEAR ROUND cleanup events (and data collection!), most of the International Coastal Cleanup events are held between August and December. Visit our Join a Cleanup page for upcoming cleanups all around Virginia!

Plan a cleanup -- anytime! Remember, collecting data during your cleanup DOUBLES your impact, and it is EASY to do!

1. Find an area that has litter -- and pull a team together!

2. Read about how to lead a litter cleanup in Virginia HERE. Download a handbook, data cards and more from CVW's on-line Site Captain Tool Kit

3. Sign up by using this Google form. If you can't use Google, please send an email to

Data Collection: An Important Part of Cleanup Events

How to collect data

Every time you remove litter from the environment, DOUBLE the value of your effort by COLLECTING DATA about the quantity & types of litter you find!

Option One:
Use the
Clean Swell App on your phone YEAR-ROUND to quickly record data.

Option Two:
Use a paper data form that you download from
CVW’s Site Captain Tool Kit. Then send a photo or scan of the completed data cards to or enter your total cleanup data on our NEW online form!.

Please purchase a Friends of the Chesapeake license plate! You will be supporting MANY worthy projects for a cleaner and healthier Chesapeake Bay and Virginia's rivers too! Learn more: Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund.

The 2024 ICC Annual Report is available now!